Over the last month I have researched the possiblity of the decline of America. I have found some very interesting data. Many people have many different views on America's current state and where it is heading. Some believe it is just going through a phase, some believe it will fall and is doomed to fall, some believe that it will lose it's dominance but will survuve. We are entering a brave new world, gone are the days of the threat of communism, but a new day with terrorism and more global competition.
We have just freshly entered a new century, the 21st, and we might have to change some of our ways to survive. Look where the 20th century began, with train and lightbulbs. Look how it ended, with atomic bombs, men walking on the moon, and America on top. Though we enter a new age, we must remember, we can not stay on top forever. Some while we are on top, make the best of it. I have read through articles that predicted doom, collapse, saying that we should stop worrying America is alright, and much more. Worrying about it won't help.
If we do fall, we can try and work our way back up to the top. The United States is a great land, and hopefully will continue to be. We need to pay off debts, better the education system, check our morals, and fix our roads and pipes. How long will America be on top is my question, but no man can answer that now. I have enjoyed reading all the facts and opinions. And I'm glad my teacher encouraged me to keep the topic. Fini, hope all the readers enjoyed.
Noah, your topic is a very serious topic because it is a question that needs to be asked. I honeslty think America is in decline. In your blog I like how everything ties together from the background from the pictures. Noah I bow down to you because you did a really good job n this topic.