Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Article III

Once you have become a power, you cannot step back from it; you have aroused too much hatred. You must follow that path to the end, and the Romans chose to follow it to the end.”

Rome began as a place of fairness and place where people would hold the power, a place where tyranny would not exist. Eventually the vast empire collapsed, and life went on. Approximately 200 years, a new country came about with the same intentions. It to sought to create a place where tyranny would seize to exist and a place that would be fair and equal. Fast forward to America of today, we have overcome slavery, gender and racial disrimination, armies of the world, a great depression, sent men to the moon and back, and have survived to become the single dominant force on the planet.

Despite all the great achievements and accomplishments, today we are in danger of collapsing. Problems such as economic decline, no natural resources, environmental issues, terrorism, no production of goods, conflicting values, loss of jobs, education, old infrastructe, and plenty more things threaten the future of this great country. People like to compare the U.S. to Ancient Rome. And yes, in many ways, we are similar to them. Both were dominant global powers, both have powerful armies, and both are large. America's government was actually inspired by Ancient Rome's.

Rome had trouble in the Middle East, America is having the same trouble now (Iraq, Afghanistan). Near the end of it's days, Rome was having money trouble. People believe that Rome had a moral decay around it's time it fell, believe also believe the same is happening for America. We are in a day were sex can be shown on television, when back in the old days of television, couples slept in seperate beds! There was a Western and a Eastern Rome, like today we have Republicans and Democrats.

If America falls in the future, people have different views for it's future, while some believe it is to big to fall/fail. Nevertheless, we have had a great history, despite our failures and mistakes. Let the U.S. be remembered for its successes, that if we do fall; like Rome inspired us, we may inspire other countries. And maybe they can avoid our mistakes, and make the world a better place. God Bless America...

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