Thursday, November 11, 2010

Quote #2: Resurrection...

"We are here to change the world"
                                                    - Michael Jackson

If America is falling apart, the generation in charge now and the upcoming has a chance to fix it. Instead of accepting things how they are we can strive to make a America and the world along with it, a better place. It starts with us, the government can not fix everything. The change starts with us, we are the people. The government is supposed to be run by us, and for us. If we see the government is not performing well enough, we have to decide that we are tired of it and change. Yes in the past there has been problems with issues like sex and race, and yes America was wrong for how it treated its citizens. However today is a new day, and we must put this behind us now. People being greedy, corrupt, and selfish is not going to go over well. America needs to stop trying to tell other countries how to do right, when it's not doing right. How do we think we can help others, if we are either not willing or can not help ourselves. It's up to us, we must decide.
( November 11, 2010

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