Thursday, October 28, 2010

What I Want to Know

For this topic, there is much I want to know. In order to prove that America is declining first I need to know it's statistics during the country's entire lifetime compared to others. Is America really in decline or did it just stop progressing while the rest of the world has continusally grown and caught up? Was America ever really on top? If America was on top, how long were we? Will other countries be kind to us if we lose our role as superpower?Are things such as the decline of the dollar, failure of the education system, growing number of obsese people, and rotting infrastructure just a phase we have to go through; will it one day improve?What can we do to change it and apsire to inspire the rest of the world? Some believe America has fallen, but it can rise again; while others believe that this great country will never return to it's glory days. This truly a fascinating topic that can only be proven or disproven with research.

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