Monday, November 22, 2010


Works Cited

1. Dr. Abd al-Khalik. "What If America Collapsed." MEMRI, 10/14/2007. Web. 22 Nov 2010. .
2. Hageman, George. "Ancient Rome and Modern America." Military History Podcast . 11/27/2008. Web. 22 Nov 2010. .
3. ( November 11, 2010.
4. Poor infrastructure fails America, civil engineers report." CNN. CNN, January 28, 2009. Web. 22 Nov 2010. .

5. Health Care Ranking Compared to Other Countries." truthful politics. October 9, 2010. Web. 22 Nov 2010. .

Reflection of Sources

Over the past month I have researched on the topic regarding whether or not the country of America was in Decline. I searched the depths of the World Wide Web, and found some interesting information. Many people have differing opinions on the subject, and it was posted on different sites such as,,,,, and .My favorite was the latter, it had many different articles, on different things, which I could use on my blog. This site was pretty trustworthy though it has the “com”, instead of the “org” or “info” ending.

Thursday, November 18, 2010


Over the last month I have researched the possiblity of the decline of America. I have found some very interesting data. Many people have many different views on America's current state and where it is heading. Some believe it is just going through a phase, some believe it will fall and is doomed to fall, some believe that it will lose it's dominance but will survuve. We are entering a brave new world, gone are the days of the threat of communism, but a new day with terrorism and more global competition.

We have just freshly entered a new century, the 21st, and we might have to change some of our ways to survive. Look where the 20th century began, with train and lightbulbs. Look how it ended, with atomic bombs, men walking on the moon, and America on top. Though we enter a new age, we must remember, we can not stay on top forever. Some while we are on top, make the best of it. I have read through articles that predicted doom, collapse, saying that we should stop worrying America is alright, and much more. Worrying about it won't help.

If we do fall, we can try and work our way back up to the top. The United States is a great land, and hopefully will continue to be. We need to pay off debts, better the education system, check our morals, and fix our roads and pipes. How long will America be on top is my question, but no man can answer that now. I have enjoyed reading all the facts and opinions. And I'm glad my teacher encouraged me to keep the topic. Fini, hope all the readers enjoyed.

Wordle II

Wordle: W!!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Article III

Once you have become a power, you cannot step back from it; you have aroused too much hatred. You must follow that path to the end, and the Romans chose to follow it to the end.”

Rome began as a place of fairness and place where people would hold the power, a place where tyranny would not exist. Eventually the vast empire collapsed, and life went on. Approximately 200 years, a new country came about with the same intentions. It to sought to create a place where tyranny would seize to exist and a place that would be fair and equal. Fast forward to America of today, we have overcome slavery, gender and racial disrimination, armies of the world, a great depression, sent men to the moon and back, and have survived to become the single dominant force on the planet.

Despite all the great achievements and accomplishments, today we are in danger of collapsing. Problems such as economic decline, no natural resources, environmental issues, terrorism, no production of goods, conflicting values, loss of jobs, education, old infrastructe, and plenty more things threaten the future of this great country. People like to compare the U.S. to Ancient Rome. And yes, in many ways, we are similar to them. Both were dominant global powers, both have powerful armies, and both are large. America's government was actually inspired by Ancient Rome's.

Rome had trouble in the Middle East, America is having the same trouble now (Iraq, Afghanistan). Near the end of it's days, Rome was having money trouble. People believe that Rome had a moral decay around it's time it fell, believe also believe the same is happening for America. We are in a day were sex can be shown on television, when back in the old days of television, couples slept in seperate beds! There was a Western and a Eastern Rome, like today we have Republicans and Democrats.

If America falls in the future, people have different views for it's future, while some believe it is to big to fall/fail. Nevertheless, we have had a great history, despite our failures and mistakes. Let the U.S. be remembered for its successes, that if we do fall; like Rome inspired us, we may inspire other countries. And maybe they can avoid our mistakes, and make the world a better place. God Bless America...

Article II

It is impossible for capitalism to survive, primarily because the system of capitalism needs some blood to suck. Capitalism used to be like an eagle, but now it's more like a vulture. It used to be strong enough to go and suck anybody's blood whether they were strong or not. But now it has become more cowardly, like the vulture, and it can only suck the blood of the helpless. As the nations of the world free themselves, the capitalism has less victims, less to suck, and it becomes weaker and weaker. It's only a matter of time in my opinion before it will collapse completely.e
-Malcolm X

America became the single most dominant force on Earth when the Soviet Union fell in late 20th Century. Only 17+ years later, that sole position is in jeopardy of being lost. Is it because the United States is a capitalist nation, and like Malcolm X said, "It is impossible for capitalism to survive". Is it true, are we bound to fall. We are motivated by greed, a good example is the medical field. Private companies are competing against one another to be on top, which produces more and more medicine, and more money for themselves. If there was no private companies, we would have lower quality medical care from the government. But what of the many left on the street because they can not afford health-care?

The Soviet Union was socialist and communist, and it has fallen already. The U.S. is often compared to Ancient Rome. Yes, similarities are there, Rome was the power of the world during its time. And yes it is said, that history repeats itself. Should we change to a socialist country, some say we are heading there already. Still, not everyone in America wants to pay for lets say, someone's health care who can not afford it. So maybe we are better as we are, capitalist. In capitalism, the poor has a chance to make a better life for themselves, take Chris Garner for an example. He rose from poverty and homeless to become a wall street legend, and his story became a movie "The Pursuit of Happyness".

An 100% capitalist will not work, but America is not that. We will just have to wait and see how things play out, time will show things out. Possibly America can survive as it is, but changes will have to come.